Workshops afford participants a smaller, more intimate setting where they can share ideas and learn from each other’s research. Topics for the workshops change each year, and the limited seating capacity and relaxed atmosphere allow for interpersonal interaction. We are now inviting proposals for workshops to be celebrated at ICIDS 2019. These will be celebrated on the first day of the conference, November 19 2019.
Workshops may vary in length from half a day to a full day, and may vary in format. As in previous years, individual workshop contributions will not be published in the ICIDS 2019 proceedings. However, workshop organizers are encouraged to publish proceedings via other means such as CEUR-WS.
Proposals for workshops should be 2-4 pages including references in the Springer LNCS format. Please include the following information:
- A brief description of the workshop, explaining its format, goals, topic, and expected outcomes (maximum two pages, according to the LNCS format).
- A proposed schedule
- The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the proposed organizing committee.
- The primary contact for the organizing committee.
Workshop proposals and inquiries should be submitted via email to (Jichen.zhu (at)
Important Dates
July 15, 2019August 12, 2019 Submission deadlineJuly 29, 2019August 19, 2019 Notifications sent out
Contact Information
If you have further questions, please email the Workshops Chair JIchen Zhu (Jichen.zhu (at)
Jichen Zhu (Drexel University, US)